To wrap up Cult pledge week I have the new mobile cultists on the go. Bikers and buggies, oh yeah.

As I had mentioned previously, the bikers were a bit fiddly to assemble. Mostly due to small sized parts. This does give them a nice finished look, more like real people on BMX bikes, instead of the chunky Space Marine bikes. The kit has a wide range of options for heads and weapons.
The quad bike is a fun little vehicle. I would have liked them to be a separate unit of 1-3 quads, but oh well. They work fine within the bike squad.
The Jackal Alphus is a HQ choice and a fantastic sniper. Why just hide and snipe when you can go fast? It's like a Cult Olympic event.

Finally we have the Ridgerunners. Fast with a serious amount of shooty. They come with a 120mm oval base, but I felt it was too big for them, so I opted not to put the Ridgerunners on their bases. 

The Genestealer Cult has evolved into a truly dynamic army, both in look and play style. I really enjoyed building and painted them. They are one of those armies that is just a lot of fun to play with, win or lose. Now it is time for them to rise up and cast off Imperial rule.

Overthrow the Oppressors!
And get Eaten by your Gods as a Reward?