Hello again!

It's been a while, but last week was crazy @ work. A new guy started to work for me so I've been rolling a lot of leadership tests :-P
 No seriously, there is a lot of training to be done. And the more time spent now, the more the effort will hopefully pay itself back.

But back to serious business: "the hobby"
Out of the multitude of running projects, some are finally approaching completion.
Before the start of  2011, I finally managed to finish a Uruk-hai army for war of the ring. I painted this, just table top quality, but there are quite some dudes in the army and there's allways a big to-do list to contend with :-D
Anyway, a year later than anticipated but finally finished:
you can see some other projects:
2 boodbowl teams, a revell model of the HMS Victory(good to try out my airbrush) and of course the dark eldar!!!
One of the other projects I need to finish is the model that I'm painting for a friend. I should finish it by the 22nd of January. So hopefully I'll share some WIP's and finished pictures between now and 2 weeks from now. I'd also like to post some progress on the dark eldar....tune in next time(I'm becoming quite pleased with what I have done up till now