After spending a couple of evenings pondering the denizens of Commoragh and reading some nice insights in a couple of other blogs I came up with this list. I'm keeping it at 1800 points with some ideas to push it to 2000.
I would love to get a lot of critique on this. I'm not that good on the tabletop battlefield up to now. I'd really like top improve and I'd also like to do that with an inspiring army(best painted ....keeping my fingers crossed). So advice from advanced list builders is what I crave for dramatic

 Without further procrastinating:
I really loved to play a combo of the baron and lelith. However I came up with something else:
-Duke slicus(150pts)

-4 x trueborn with 4 x shardcarbine riding a venom with nightshields(133Pts)
These boys are accompanied by the duke and should make use of his buff poison rule


-10 kabalite warriors, 1 upgraded to sybarite and 2 weapon upgrades: splinter cannon x1 and blaster x1, riding a raider with nightshields & flickerfield(205Pts)
- 10 kabalite warriors, 1 upgraded to sybarite  with blast pistol & power weapon and 2 weapon upgrades: splinter cannon x1 and shredder x1, riding a raider with nightshields & flickerfield(220Pts)
- 10 kabalite warriors, 1 upgraded to sybarite and 1 weapon upgrade: splinter cannon x1 , riding a raider with nightshields, flickerfield and  splinter rack(200Pts)
-10 wyches, 1 upgraded to hekatrix with agoniser& blast pistol and 1 weapon upgrade: shardnet & impaler , riding a raider with flicker field, grisly trophies and it's dark lanc exchanged for a disintegrator cannon(230Pts)
-10 wyches, 1 upgraded to hekatrix with power weapon & blast pistol and 1 weapon upgrade: razorflails x2 , riding a raider with flicker field, chain snares and it's dark lanc exchanged for a disintegrator cannon(230Pts)

Heavy support

- Ravager with nightshields & flickerfield(125Pts)
- Ravager with nightshields & flickerfield(125Pts)

For the moment I'm 23 Pts over the limit so I need to cut some stuff.

The basic idea is according to going first or not make use of slicuss-vertical assault. I'd use my wyches to stop/tarpit his assault elements while trying to overwhelm his other units piecemeal with a concentrated mobile deluge of splintershots.

As I said....suggestions more than welcome. Id love to include some hellions, reavers or incubi just because I love the models and in the long run( when the model is released) the addition of 1 of the flyers as third heavy support choice looks interesting