The Chalice of Doom - the winner of the Diorama category at the first Golden Demon. Now in the collection of Bryan Ansell and photographed by Steve Casey.
The ever knowledgeable Steve Casey (or Bridgend Steve, if you are that way inclined) has written a wonderful little article about the first Golden Demon awards over on his new blog, Eldritch Epistles, and includes some more recent photographs of  one of the winning pieces, the Chalice of Doom, which now forms part of Bryan Ansell's astonishing miniature collection. Steve has gone on to produce for us some very good quality scans of the original article (a real bonus for me, as my copy of the White Dwarf it first appeared in is rather blurry) and these offer a real wealth of inspiration for we old school painters and gamers.

Steve's passion for the subject reminded me of a series of posts I made about the excellent Fantasy Miniatures books way back at the early days of the Oldhammer Movement and I thought that more recent readers would like to have a look at these, as they are packed with wonderful ideas. Below you will find embedded versions of each of the books in the order that they were originally published. Additionally, I will include links to the original posts I made quite a while ago concerning these wonderful publications. Steve promises to cover these books in more detail in the future, so hopefully he has some other scoops for us to drool over shortly!

Fantasy Miniatures 1988

Fantasy Miniatures 1989

Fantasy Miniatures 1990
