Hello, and welcome to the start of my 2nd Venom project. I thoroughly enjoyed working on my 1st Venom last year and have every intention of building my second one whenever my attention returned back to the Dark Eldar. So probably not until like this Fall at the earliest? Well, that changed when Da Masta Cheef (he who trolls me), gifted me with this wonderful venom. For reasons that baffle me, he decided to part with it, and instead of selling it or repurposing it, he gave it to me after we had our recent Ork vs. Ork game.


Knowing how speedy and random I can be about finishing a model construction / painting project he likely assumes that it will be well into the 2020's before I finish it. And that might likely be true if not for the fact that I keep fiddling with it!


So some back story on this thing is necessary (I hope I don't screw this up, but I am sure Cheef will embellish in the comments if need be). He had intended this to used with his Eldar Corsairs but since their list was only given half-ass support from Forgeworld when 8th edition arrived he got rid of most of them. Regardless of all of that, the point is that this is not a standard or conventional Venom, but rather one that had been repurposed.

Instead of the typical Dark Eldar weapon options we find instead that there are two Shuriken Catapults on the bottom of the hull. I am trying to figure out if these should stay or go...hmmm...

Also the pilot is not the murder elf one would expect to find piloting a Venom but a well dressed fellow in a brown outfit with red hair (Screech?). The gunner was also going to another Guardian converted over to fit the Corsair role, but this chap was never assembled. He sits crooked for some reason (again, Screech?).

Is this where he gave up?

Now, I have no intention of keeping this model looking like this, and I have no doubt Cheef wouldn't expect me too considering that he never finished it either. I am going to paint it to match my paint scheme. However I intend to make a slight exception: I am going to leave the pilot alone! Call it a tribute to the Cheef and the origin of this piece, but that guy is done and I just don't want to alter him. Even though he sits crooked. Also if that is supposed to be Screech** I like the idea of him press-ganged into service for the Drukhari. (Cue sinister laugh).

A comparison of canopies.

Back when I was working on the 1st Venom,  I was Indecisive on which canopy to use so I painted them both. Now I have a purpose for the other one, and it will be used to enclose in this pilot. Below you can see the test fit and also get a possible sense on how this might look when I am done with it. Which hopefully won't be in 2020!

I think I might leave the display blue also...

See you back for part 2!

*Yes, I know, a photography student loses it's soul each time a photo is composed with a corner in it...*sigh*

**The Cheefs old ward and now Imperial Guard conscript.