When billboards attack! |
The Ultramarines deploy. |
I had 3 Tactical Squads (10 troop each), 4 man Terminator Squad, A Librarian in Terminator armor, Legion of the Damned, Land Raider, and a Whirlwind for 1500pts :
Since this was a training game, I wanted us both to have fun. Understand that although he hasn't played in years, Bink is a shrewd tactician, so there was no "going light" taking place, but rather try to show him as many scenarios as I could for his orks to get involved with. Most of what follows will be highlights:
Turn one. The Orks run to and claim the 1st objective! |
Both sides advance... |
The Landraider and Whirlwind begin to whittledown the Ard Boyz. |
Ouch! |
This was a 10-man squad but after a resounding hit by a Shokk attack gun, etc, this squad was reduced to just three guys!
The Deff Dreds approach! |
And from the mists, the Legion of the Damned appear! |
Eventually my Terminators arrived and to have the shot up squad on the far left, and drive back the slugga bloys, only the Librarian gave himself a wound thanks to a Perils of the Warp result on double 1's. The nob bikers (only one of which did I manage to kill) came careening around the field to finish off the remaining member of tactical squad.
Can you spot the painted Legionnaires amongst all that metal? |
"Super run away!" |
The Terminators and Librarian shoot at the slugga boyz. With concentrated fire and a reduction of their numbers, the slugga boyz made a run for it! Almost off of the board!
Saved by the boys in blue! |
The deff dread takes taunts the survivors on the roof... |
The game ended, and, with all his troops choices in route, or dead I thought I might just...oh. I forgot that that BigMek allowed the Deff Dreds to be taken as a troops choice, and he was just within the 3 inches of the objective! The Orks WIN!!!
Orks: Objective: 5pts total: 3pts, 1st blood, and Line Breaker.
Utlramarines: 0pts
We had a blast, with Bink getting a good grasp of the 6th edition rules, I think he's hungry for more! A few more training games he'll be able to take down cheesy crap like Blood Angels! He was damn near surgical with the shokk attakk gun and the kannons! I have never used 'Ard Boyz before, and Bink showed me the error of my ways!
Meanwhile, on the other tables:
Murl and Screech in a fight between chaos and Space Wolves. Both claim that is was close game and very fun! Glad to hear. I forget who who though...
Screech, walls of dice won't save your rhinos! |
This looks like a nasty skirmish..... |
Da Masta Cheef, Hiveangel and a new guy.
Hive Angel's Blood Angels (some of whom now have heads, which is a paradigm shift that I am having a hard time adjusting too...) vs, an allied force of Tau and Eldar.
The "hide everything" deployment method. |
Maybe some one else can fill in what's going on here....
...and here...
Proxy Mephiston lacks the vampire mullet...:( |
I think the Blood Angels won...
EDIT: Read the full report here: blood-angels-vs-allied-xenos-battle.