Yep, that's all the 5's I could think of to fit into that post title.  Nice and apt that its post 205 to post up squad 5 (not the 5th squad as squad numbering is based on armour type), but anyway, 5!

I've pretty much run out of superlatives for how much I'm enjoying these Forgeworld marines, each time I pick up a different form, I fall more and more in love with it.  Even though outlining every one of those rivets was a pain, totally worth it.  I've got to line highlight the jump packs, and I think I'll go back in and add a second level highlight to most of them before weathering and battle damage.  I've also got to settle on a colour for the special weapon (volkite something or other).  I'm thinking I might try a purple glow look, just to be a little different.  

I've also been working on my Dread', blocking in colours when all the line highlighting and outlining just got a little too much.  Already seems to have managed to get him almost there!

Right then, bring on Salute!  Hope you are all going, if not you are definitely missing out, tickets are only £15 on the day - totally worth it.

Cheers - Andy