Just in case you're all wondering what's happened, here's a clue:


Image from the Hirst Arts website and much nicer than mine!

Arriving a week or so after my birthday were bags of blocks from my wonderful wife! Since then I've been sanding, gluing and am just about ready to start painting. It's my first go with Hirst Arts blocks, so probably won't be as amazing as the ones you see on the internet. Actually, I KNOW it won't be as I've not managed to do it particularly cleanly and straight.

Still, it's so much fun that I'm looking forward to making a lot of these, budget allowing. Slow work though, in this weather and with all the other paraphernalia of life. 

I'll post some pics when it's all done =)

** EDIT: Just dropped it when I was spray painting it. SMASH. So now it's back to gluing again - **sigh**