What bugs me is that the opponents I'm facing are no different than those I faced in Bronze Division I and I had a way easier time against them when I was in Bronze Division I. Even more frustrating is that I haven't really run into a lot of ragers/afkers/toxic folk so the games are actually decent (except for the losing part). One thing I did consider is that I'm not playing my favourite/best role as a jungler in a lot of my recent games. Getting used to a new role takes a bit of learning and my first few games as an ADC (attack damage carry) was not the greatest. I'm getting better though especially after I decided to practice some of the basic skills (like last-hitting and positioning) in normal games.
Gonna try and rank up some more and hope to hit Gold by the end of Season 3 (I want that shiny gold name plate!). In between ranked games though I've been playing with my friends in duo or trio queues. One of them picked up Blitzcrank and the cool iBlitzcrank skin and I got the brilliant idea to convince everyone to get a champion with a cool futuristic/mechanical/space like skin. Each of us thankfully has a favourite role so it just came down to finding a champ that fit each role. As such our proposed team is going to be composed of the following champions
- Top lane Galactic Renekton
- Jungler (me) Galactice Nasus or Full Metal Jayce
- Mid-Lane undecided so far. He might end up playing Full Metal Jayce mid.
- ADC Pulsefire Ezrael
- Support iBlitzcrank