
It’s crazy to think that a whole year has gone past since the last Salute and if anything I’m even more excited about this one. Mainly because I’ve been saving for months so I can really go to town – not that I didn’t do badly on the toy front last year – but I get to spend a day with The Chaps, meet up with the #warmongers and generally have a brilliant day up to my eyes in wargaming.

I shall be doing my best to Tweet throughout the day – network permitting – so keep an eye out for pictures and what have you.

I’m also really looking forward to the #warmongersMeetUp so those attending Salute that want to come along keep an eye out on Twitter for that hashtag as it’ll be appearing on numerous Twitter accounts. It’ll be great to see the guys from last year as well as hopefully new faces too. Any and all #warmongers are welcome. I’m hoping to get a photo of all the guys that have #warmongers shirts to share with you.

One last thing: Reading various feeds last night on Twitter I was struck by the phenomenal amount of work that the traders put in to prepare for this event. Incredibly long days and a lot of money investing in stock they hope will sell. Not to mention getting to the venue, setting up, serving members of the community all day and then they get the pleasure, whilst we sod of with all our wares, of packing up again and taking long drives home. With this in mind, to all those who are attending as customers; do your best to thank all the traders you deal with for making the effort to come along. I guarantee you it will mean a lot to them.

All that’s left to be said is have an amazing time tomorrow to all those going and if you see me about – I’ll be the guy in The Shell Case shirt – then do say hi.