The Ork refit rolls on. Now it's time for a version-change for my Gorkanaut.
I'm just going to say it: The Gorkanaut is a poor choice compared to the Morkanaut.
It's mostly down to the Kustom Force Field, but that is huge. I also prefer a main weapon that can hurt other vehicles.

After playing a pair of games using my Gorkanaut as a Morkanaut. I was sold on the Morkanaut and it was time to stop living a lie and do the surgery!

Fortunately I had kept the unused parts and was able to easily add the Kustom Force Field, and swap out the Skorcha for a Kustom-Blasta. Trading the Deffstorm shooty gun for the Kustom Mega-Blaster turned out to be zoggin' impossible.

Fine. I'll make my own. I have enough cool looking Kustom parts from other Orky kits, so after an evening of formulatin' I took the parts from four different kits and made this:
It painted up nicely and I attached directly to the shoulder mount.

I dare say I like it better than the version that comes with the kit. More dangerous science-fiction  looking.

Big Toys For Big Meks
Just a Bit More Dangerous For The Target