Hello all, thanks for dropping by. Dreadtober has started but I still wanted to post something I'd painted recently, it will be a while before Eddy and Fury Dreadtober Dreadnoughts are completed.

This is the first of my Genestealer Cult HQ choices as I prepare to get a force on the table. A useful HQ Character being a Psyker, and a reasonable price points wise.
I washed the skin Kislev Flesh with Hormagaunt Purple wash to look more alien, and a little Reikland Flesh shade then layered on Kislev Flesh to brighten it back up.
The robes were Mephiston Red washed Agrax and then highlighted Evil Sunz Red to reflect the fact that this cult has grown from the infected populace from a tendril of Hivefleet Kraken.
The gemstones and vials were coated with 'Ardcoat to keep the glass like appearance after the matt varnish.
Rather pleased with myself, I like the face and I am glad I kept the eyes black and soulless, saves doing the whites - but gives it an alien evil look. Cheers for having a look-see, Thanks, Siph. (10pts Character)