Dan and I made the annual pilgrimage to Salute in the ExCel Centre primarily to invest in armies for a new game system. In the end we choose Saga and two Gripping Beast Warbands; Anglo Danish for me and the Jomsvikings for Dan - who loved the war dogs that came with the box set, and memories of the crushing injuries he inflicted with Mange during our Realm of Chaos campaign sprang to mind.

But such discussions are for another blog.

I also love the SELWG Bring and Buy Sale. Searching through this mass of humanity and war gaming paraphernalia is an absolute joy for a committed leadhead like myself, so into the scrum I ventured to emerge with this.

Starting on the right, two packs of ex-Citadel feudal knights (thanks Marcus!), two carrion, twelve mummies, four witch elves, twelve beastmen, four barbarians and an orc drummer. Nice!

Here's a couple of close ups!

It was a great show, certainly the best yet! And thanks to those of you who stopped Dan and I to talk about this blog, its uncanny how an Oldhammer T Shirt attracts fellow leadheads to the cause.

So then dear readers. Any of you attend the show? Anyone else manage to capture some vintage lead at next to nothing?
