Finishing off my Orktober are the updates and expansions that were made to the core of my Ork army, the Blitz Boyz. I had to add the Warboss on the Deffkilla Wartrike as a HQ choice and cool model.

Next was the six Warbikers from Speed Freeks. They were painted to match to existing bikerz. I restructured the Bikerz to three squads of six, to give them move flexibility.

I spent some time on my pair of Battlewagons, bringing them in line with the new Codex. With a little work, this one got made one into a Bonebreaka.
The other stayed a Battlewagon, but got some Kustom work on the rammin' end. I wanted to give it a Deffroller as well, but didn't want it to look like a Bonebreaka.

I think some extra spikes and huge tusks will work as a "counts-as" deffroller.

There were some other significant upgrades as well. I re-based all the Nobz onto 32mm bases, and added a few new ones. There were only a couple of problems along the way...
They look so much better on the larger bases, and the stability increase is nice too.

So once again my Ork Ladz are complete ready to rumble! Win or lose (and it is lose quite often) they are just a lot of fun to play.

We Wuz Made To Fight and Win!
Although 'Winning' is Very Subjective...