Hello one and all,

Another Dreadtober finishes, an event to aim to complete a dreadnought of any variation. This year I opted to complete 2 dreadnoughts with a deathwatch finish. Here are the results and many thanks to Mordian7th who organised the event this year! Cheers mate!

Both dreadnoughts have had resin bases added - these were from http://www.daemonscape.com/ these base are great, with good, crisp details. Definitely will be getting more in the future!
Space Wolves Dreadnought
The Space Wolves dreadnought was built with spare SW parts in my bitz box, added to the venerable dreadnought kit. The model has a metallic black basecoat, which I've added line highlights with Eshin Grey and Thunderhawk Blue. The details have been picked out to pop from the black base. The eyes and the 'Frost Claws' DCCW are a contrasting blue to stand out from all the black. Decals were added from the SW set.

Dark Angels Dreadnought
The Dark Angels Dreadnought was based the same as the SW one, with again details picked out to show him as a fallen (maybe not the best wording there LH!) Dark Angel. The dreadnought just had to be a Dark Angel due to the Plasma Cannon! Again, various decals were added with a Dark Angel gothic feel to complete the model.
Really happy with how these guys have turned out, on to the next batch in the 'to-do-pile'.

Cheers, Lord Halfpenny (10 points - 2 dreadnoughts)