By Spaguatyrine

Aaron Aleong, Brad Townsend, Nick Nanavati, and Andrew Gonyo (From left to right)
Team They Shall Know Fear
The Team tournament was tough this year with a 5th game and a 2nd day added to the event.  We played a total of 10 games and came out on top by the skin of our teeth in the last round.

Below is the score card for the top 10 teams or so.  We were only 16 points above the 2nd place team the Sons of Shattner.  It was a forgone conclusion from the judges that before our final battle it would be nearly impossible for anyone except Sons of Shattner to win.  Sons were 1st seed and we were 4th with only 301 points going into the last round.  They had 338 points going into the last round.  Unfortunately for them we had a great match up against them and they only ended up with 6 points in both games to our 59 points. 

This year was closer than last year but we pulled it out in the last game against the top seeded team Sons of Shatner.
 The Chicago Kamikazes and Team So Cal Elite also ended up beating on each other who where in 2nd and 3rd at the time.  So the extra game adds a huge dimension and also allows for some poor games to catch up.  All our opponents where great and we appreciate the positive sportsmanship.  We rated every opponent a positive game.  Thank you again.

As for the lists we used I will give the basic of what we had:

List 1:  Brad (Team Captain)
3 plasma servitors, 5 henchmen
4 henchmen, 3 crusaders, 5 deathcults
Land Raider Crusader with psybolts
10 Strikes with psybolts and 1 hammer
1 dreadknight with heavy incinerator

List 2:  Andrew
Lord Commissar
40 Platoon Blob with sniper
40 Platoon Blob with Commissar and sniper
Platoon command squad
Platoon command squad
2 Vendettas
3 x Thud guns

List 3: Nick
Inquisitor with Psyker
20 strikes with psybolt and 1 hammer
3 plasma servitors. 5 henchmen
Storm Raven
1 dreadknight with heavy incinerator

List 4: Aaron (Me)
Inquisitor with Psyker
20 Strikes with psybolt and 1 hammer
3 plasm serviotrs, 5 henchmen
Storm Raven
1 dreadknight with heavy incinerator
These lists worked great together but we had problem with a mirror match up in round 3 and necrons on round 4 where we made a mistake on our blob match up.  Besides that we had great games with great opponents and look forward to trying for a 2nd time to defend the title of the biggest 40k tournament in the world:

2014 Adepticon Team Tournament