Already?! Geeze! A lot seemed to happen this year huh? Lots of exciting GW releases, most of which I was forced to watch vicariously due to a lack of time. For myself, I got a lot of hobby time in but most of that happened in the first half of the year. But let's see what I actually did manage to get done and in the order that I finished them.


These Dark Eldar Wyches were painted up as a scheme test.  These are a set of three of the original late '90s release of Wyches. I think they came out great, despite the fact that they haven't aged well when compared to the Jess Goodwin plastics that would come along almost a decade later.


These Intercessors are first Space Wolf Primaris marines that I managed to finish. I think they turned out great and I hope to finish the rest in the New Year., Or New Decade. Which ever.

KROM (The Older)

Krom Dragongaze, who I had teased for the past few End Year Reviews, was finished in February. He turned out great, but I am bummed that I have yet to use him in a game.


Stormsire was the first member of Stormsire's Cursebreakers that I was able to finish.


And the rest of the Cursebreakers were soon to follow. I was pleased with how fast (for me) that they painted up and was eager to paint the ghosts from the same set so that I could start playing Nightvault locally, but I simply never got to them...


The Space Wolf Stormhawk Interceptor was mt biggest project of the year, but it was a blast. I think it turned out great and it proved to be quite a beast in the game. Da Masta Cheef was overly pleased that I finished it.


2019's addition to the annual Deadly Assassin series was this 2nd edition era Calidus Assassin. I now have a fully painted Execution Force. I need to decide which Assassin to paint for 2020, as I easily have another set of these things.


This Dire Avenger painted in the Ynnari scheme that was introduced in White Dwarf was painted as a test to see if I would enjoy it enough to do an army of these guys. I was pleased with it and intend to do more. Or I hope to do more.


Continuing on the Eldar kick I painted up some Dark Reapers also. They are intended to be for my Ynnari but they could work with my Craftworlders as well.


A set of Reivers that I painted up for my Space Wolves after realizing that these guys were good in Kill Team.


Orktober! I was able to get another entry done in this annual Ork/Dread-tober event. This one being the classic 2nd edition era metal Ork Dreadnought!

Last year I had pledged to attempt to play a minimum of 12 games in 2019, and I was on pace to do that until my current job started in August, killing my chances of achieving that goal. I am not even going to jinx myself like that in 2020.

There were, as there is each year, a number of projects that I started but haven't finished. I think I would like to make this year's resolution a promise to complete a number of the previous year's modeling/painting projects, but my time is so limited that it will be a challenge. As I stated in a few updates over the past few months, I have been doing a lot of fantasy art for a Dungeon Crawl Classics Zine, Tales from the Smoking Wyrm, and that has taken up most of the time that I used to allow for hobbies. Not that this is a bad thing as I'm having a blast with it, and it even pays!

A Necromancer from Tales of the Smoking Wyrm #1.

And I want to do more. On top of that, my always insane work schedule and commute, are also impacting my ability to get some models done, and worse, to play a game! But we'll see how things shake down in 2020.