Shawn suggested I put this up on the blog.  At first I dismissed it.  Thought about it a little more and agreed that this should be put on the blog.

Note card indicates wreckage.

JJ typing, Upon reading these rules I couldn't agree with Shawn more.  Reviewing these two rules would be quite helpful.  Since I ran them backwards in our last battle. /homer's doh!

Wrecked, Effects of Damage on Passengers 40k6 pg 80.

The passengers must immediately disembark in the usual manner, save that they must end their move wholly within 3", rather than 6".

Explodes!, Effects of Damage on Passangers 40k6 pg 80

Surviving passengers are placed where the vehicle used to be; any models that cannot be placed are removed as casualties.

Wrecked Vehicles 40k6 pg 74

Wrecked vehicles are left on the table and effectively become a piece of terrain (conferring a 5+, cover save), counting as both difficult and dangerous terrain.

Context: I'm terribly pleased that Shawn asked me to put these up on the blog.  Primarily because I ran wrecked wrong.  Told Shawn that the Veterans remained in the wrecked vendetta.  That is wrong they should've moved 3" out of the vendetta.  Hope to remember the correct rule for next time.  You were right, Shawn.  My bad

Trying to think of a way to remember this for the future.  Wrecked = unit crawls out of the holes in the hull.  Explodes! = unit stays in the centre of the crater. hmmm

slainte mhath