Well, I've put up my resolutions for the year, so I thought I'd, once again, talk more generally about what I'd like to see out of myself for gaming this year.  Unlike resolutions, I won't give myself hard metrics to try to meet and won't kick myself if I fail to get some of these things done.

Miniature gaming - One again, I'd love to get a lot done in the minis world this year.  I do have the resolution for Warmachine and Hordes, and I intend to complete that goal.  I have a routine now that sees me assemble quite a number of miniatures throughout the week, as I handle the filing and cleaning of miniatures on Sunday and use the rest of the week to assemble whatever I've cleaned.  I've been doing this for a few weeks now, and it has seen me move through the minis quite efficiently.  I have a section of the basement dedicated to miniature work, and it would work great as a paint station whenever I start to regularly paint.  Hopefully this year.

On the gaming front, I could see playing a lot more Marvel: Crisis Protocol this year.  The one game was enough to get me interested, and I'd like to see this hit the table more, especially as new releases come out.  I'd certainly love to get into one of the GW games out there, but aside from Warhammer Underworlds, I don't know that I have a regular opponent I could use, so who knows if I'll manage this.  I also seem to have gotten out of the Star Wars minis games, but some of the new things have gotten my interest again, and BK bought Legion, so that may see the table more this year, too.

I do have a few unplayed minis games- Adeptus Titanicus, Song of Ice and Fire, Necromunda, Age of Sigmar.  I don't think it's unreasonable one or those gets on the table, but it'd be a stretch to think more than one would.  Maybe I'll try pushing Song of Ice and Fire, and see if I can get a taker?

Card gaming - I really didn't make much progress here last year, and I'm really saddened by that.  I love card games.  Really, they are something I think a lot about, and would love to spend time doing.  And for the most part, card games are easy to fit in- it shouldn't be hard to get them on the table!  In practice though, the biggest problems are just finding people interested.  Eric and I may keep playing Star Wars, although we haven't talked about it much recently.  My brother and I may play more Star Trek, someday.  I'm playing Lord of the Rings semi-regularly with Joey, so I'm excited to get use out of my cards there.  Marvel Champions is getting on my table a decent amount, because it's a pretty fulfilling solo experience.

What about the rest of my games though?  I just don't know.  I'd love to see Netrunner start coming back to life, with the group using the new cards from Project Nisei.  I'd love to play more Ashes and use those fan expansions too. I just don't know when/if I'll manage any of that this year though.

I do intend to start going through the Arkham Horror stuff solo this year though, as I want to go through and use a bunch of the new cards.  That'll be a start.  I think Magic will occasionally get played this year, too.  Beyond that, I can just hope.

Board wargaming - This is going to be the big focus this year as I try to lower the number of unplayed games I have, since the largest group of unplayed games I have are these wargames.  I do manage to play some during the year, but these are almost always games owned by other people.  Most likely, the majority of the plays I do this year will be solo, as I try to go through my collection.  I intend to write detailed session reports of these as I play them, though, so keep an eye out for that!

RPGs - I am going to try to run my first campaign this year, likely Dungeons and Dragons 5E. I'm reading the books now in preparation of it, and I think it'll be a lot of fun.  Beyond that, I'm not sure there will be other RPG sessions this year, but that is subject to change.

And finally, Board games - How much I play or don't play in this category seems to be wholly determined by how interested my wife is in boardgaming, which depends on a lot of factors.  She's expressed more interest lately, so I'm hoping that this year will see me play a lot more games with her, and we'll take time to try some new things.  Heck, maybe I can even get her to go to a small boardgaming convention with me?