So yes, I hit 50k page views this morning, and to all of you out there, thank you so much! I know I have been sporadic with my posting, but you guys keep me going!
As for what I have been up to, I recently bought a Zone Mortalis board, and it is INCREDIBLE! I'm hoping to have it painted up soon, but we'll see how long it actually takes. I also have pledged for two different Kickstarters, which are as follows:
Secret Weapon Miniatures has one going that I mentioned previously in which they are working to get games boards designed with matching bases, walls, and terrain. It is an AMAZING project they are working on, and it will help my store look even better with all the different boards we will have for people to play on. Below is a link, and if you can you should absolutely jump on top of this one. It's a great opportunity to get these before they hit stores.
Secret Weapons Miniatures Tablescapes Kickstarter
The other one I have jumped on board with has my inner child going nuts! Growing up, I was a HUGE fan of Robotech and Macross, and now I can play out my wildest childhood fantasies on the table top. Palladium Books, which previously has done great things with the Robotech RPG, is now putting out a 1/285th scale miniatures game. Fret not with the scale, as the robots are so big that the miniatures are still larger than 40k Space Marines. The Kickstarter has a lot to offer in the way of deals, so hop on this one to save yourself a lot of money in the future. Click below to check it out, and there is also a video of their current rule set, which is still in play testing, being played out and discussed at Adepticon.
Palladium Books Robotech RPG Tactics
Anyways, I'll hopefully get more pictures up soon. I finished a Maxmini Greater Plaguebringer that I finished painting, some Salamanders I am building for a 1000 point Zone Mortalis army, and even some German Tanks for a Late War Flames of War army I am putting together! Those pictures will be up just as soon as I stop being lazy, haha.
Thanks again for everything you guys have done for me. It really does mean a lot to have support of random people, and not just overly encouraging friends and family!