Inquisitor Coteaz
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Inquisitorial Henchman Warband w/ 5 Warrior Acolytes, Banisher
Inquisitorial Henchman Warband w/ 5 Warrior Acolytes
Inquisitorial Henchman Warband w/ 6 Psykers, Razorback
Inquisitorial Henchman Warband w/ 6 Psykers, Razorback
10 Grey Knight Strike Marines w/ 2 psycannons
10 Grey Knight Strike Marines w/ 2 psycannons
Stormraven Gunship w/ twin-linked assault cannon, twin-linked multi-melta, hurricane bolters, psybolt ammunition
Stormraven Gunship w/ twin-linked assault cannon, twin-linked multi-melta, hurricane bolters, psybolt ammunition
Dreadnought w/ two twin-linked autocannons, psybolt ammunition
Dreadnought w/ two twin-linked autocannons, psybolt ammunition
Dreadnought w/ two twin-linked autocannons, psybolt ammunition
The mission was the Scouring with Vanguard Strike deployment. I lucked out, as it ended up that the I had 8 points worth of objectives on my table half to my opponent's 7. I deployed my Sternguard squads forward to be aggressive while the Tacticals combat squadded to secure the objectives. I knew I had to take out the psyker squads quickly, as their blast could rip through marine squad. At the same time, taking midtable would help me to deal with the two incoming Stormravens.
My deployment. |
The Grey Knight advance begins. |
Turn 1 after weathering the GK firepower. |
The Stormravens destroy the Predators and Thunderfire. |
In turn 3, the Grey Knights concentrated their fire on my central Sternguard, bringing them down to 2 Veterans. My Sternguard squad in the enemy backline shrugged off the shooting directed at them due to Amra. The remaining Stormraven swung around and blasted my Stormtalon out of the sky.
The remaining Stormraven sweeps across the table. |
It's like my Stormtalon is staring into a funhouse mirror. |
And the Stormtalon is no more. |
Amra, Amon Yara, and the Sternguard drop into the jaws of the beast. |
This was an all or nothing move. |
No, no he couldn't. |
That cinched the game up. Even with one less point of objectives, the Grey Knights had the lead with First Blood and Slay the Warlord. It would be easy to secure linebreaker and contest one of my objectives in the next turn. We called the game there.
Lessons Learned
1) Once again, airpower is decisive. The Stormtalon just doesn't have the killing power to take on AV12 flyers. Once I lost weapons that could threaten the flyers, I was in deep trouble.
2) I played extremely aggressive this game, and I think it really worked for me. I almost won against a pretty tough list, and I was able to keep the Grey Knights on the back foot all game. I'm not used to taking the initiative with the Executioners, as I generally play a more reactive game. I think I need to revise the list to drop some of the more static elements and add in some more aggressive units.
3) The Predators really haven't been working out so far. While their great against ground targets where they can keep their distance, they seem to die immediately against most flyers. Front armor 13 doesn't mean much when a Stormraven can get into half-range with a multi-melta on turn 2.