Hello all, thanks for dropping in to WeeMen. I have been working on a very large model after several small Relictors, I thought I'd change it up and work on my Christmas present, a Necron Tesseract Vault. Its a model I am fairly familiar with as I have had a Obelisk Superheavy Flyer in my collection since 2014. The kit is a dual kit, some people magnetise, however I liked the Obelisk power to down aircraft (in 7th) so glued mine and when I was asked what I wanted for Christmas, I selected this to right that wrong and add this HUGE beast to my collection.
I took a while sampling online looks and painted up one panel and showed Lord Halfpenny, nice and blue as always but with the gold 'wraithform scarab thing' to show the seniority of the doom engine! Things in my huge Necron Dynasty Army have more gold the further they climb up the ladder of power, and although a prisoner, the C'tan shard within is pretty powerful so gold it has.
Here is the soon to be caged C'tan Shard, and some of the gubbins to hold him there. I used contrast paints to give the liquid fire effect, came out okay. My gauss energy is reddish, so his colours fit that.

Back to painting this beast... 3 more outer wall sections to do!

Cheers, Siph.