Hochelfen in der Preorder


Vielleicht finde ich Hochelfen interessant, weil sie meine erste Warhammer Fantasy Armee waren. Vielleicht sind sie aber auch einfach die Space Marines von Fantasy Battle und jeder hat irgendeine Beziehung zu ihnen. Möglicherweise ist es aber auch nur witzig, dass WH40k in der letzten Zeit mit einem Buch pro Monat aufwartet, während WHFB…ich will nicht sagen “zu kurz kommt”, aber vielleicht der Popularität angemessen bedient wird? ^^ Egal, zumindest findet der interessierte Leser die neuen Elfen nun in der Vorbestellung. Das heißt: Noch ein Monat bis die Eldar kommen…

Allerdings kann man bei diesen ganzen neuen, riesigen, fliegenden Tieren schon etwas die Übersicht verlieren:


Nun kommen die neuen Spitzohren in die Preorder und viele Regelfetzen machen bereits die Runde. Hier eine kleine Übersicht:

via HERO’s Gaming Blog

Source #1

- Imrik is in the book and it rides a dragon with next attributes:
15,9,0,8,8,1,7,9 Saves:2+/5+, S5 template, Lvl 2 mage
- All dragons can choose Lore of Fire
- Banner of the World Dragon remains
- Book of Hoeth is renamed (same cost). Gives irresistible force with doubles and Loremaster
- There is an expensive weapon that gives +3S
- Dragon Mage wears dragon armour

- No dragons on rare units

Source #2

From sample army book

Teclis – down 25 points – can take all spells from a lore of magic or can take 1 spell from each lore
Tyrion – up 10 points but now cav -

Seaguard – drop 1 point

Bolt throwers – drop 30 points – no stat changes

Eagles – same points but can now be taken in units and have 2 upgrades available – Swiftsense and Shredding Talons

Flame Phoenix – WS5, S5, T5, W5, A3, L8 – 225

Frost Phoenix – WS6, S6, T6, w5, A4, L9 – 240

Star dragon – WS, S,T,W – all 7
Moon dragon – all 6
Sun dragon – all 5


via Sir_Glonojad / Warseeer

So, White Lions seem to not have any stats changed. They have ASF, freely move around areas with a lot of trees, MP, “lazy” , VoA.

I have problem reading the stats of the Chariot  and the rules are: ASF for crew, can make you tremble, “lazy”, VoA.

Dragon Princes’ stats stay the same. SRs are ASF (riders), MP, VoA.

Dragon Mage’s stats seem to have remained the same, too. He casts fire spells with an extra +2 bonus but never receives dispel bonuses. The first spell generated is always a lightsaber… err.. You know the drill .

Swordmasters’ stats are so blurry I am not sure of many of them but their high WS and number of attacks is intact as far as I can tell. Standard SR plus a certain Jedi trick.

Loremaster stats are even worse (to read), but seem to have Bladelord’s stats with lordly Wounds and Strength of a Prince/Noble. They’re level 2 wizards from the start. Can’t generate spells – they always get the eight “typicals”.

Nothing of note can be said about the Militiamen, but this entry does not include the Lothern Sea Guard.

via Bramgaunt / Warseer

I don’t know if this has been said, so…

Sea Helm provides his chariot with a 4+ invul save. If he joined a unit, it can make a free regroup after it has been charged (!)
Annointed is a pricy Lord with a 4+ invuln save

Frostheart Phoenix gives enemy units in b2b -1 strength and always strikes last
Flameheart deals d6 s4 hits to a unit he flies over , and d3 hits per every aditional rank the unit has. It can ressirect with full life.

Skycutter has s5, t4 and 4 wounds
Can have a s5 bolt thrower
Less then 100 points

Shadowwariors drop in points
Swordmasters, white lions, archers drop in points. Wl and sm more then archers. Lion chariot and bolt thrower drop significantly in points.

Loremaster is quiet expensive

Allarielle is a S4 mage, grants her unit a 5+ invul against non magical attacks, can heal herself or anither character, may grant +1 to hit for 1 turn (cc and ranged), all allied witards which use lore of life or lore of light get +4 on casting