Every so often I step outside the wargaming box to build something different. Recently picked up the Bandai AT-M6 model kit. This is a roughly 1/550th scale kit. It goes together in a snap. No glue required, although I did glue it together. This kit retails for between $6-10 USD. I got it at Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon.
I assembled the model over a couple of hours one evening and completed the base paint and weathering in a single day.
I painted the model with Vallejo acrylics, accented the panel lines with Tamiya Pannel Liner, and weathered it with AK oil brushers.
The base is a 4x4 plaque from Michaels. Details were sculpted with Tamiya white putty. The entire base was then painted red, Vallejo crackle medium was painted over that and then a tan color was airbrushed over the crackle medium while it was still wet. Using this technique allows for the base color to show once the medium cracks.
Additional rust red powder was brushed on over the tracks and set in place with mineral spirits.