Whiskey Jacks got a face-lift this week  as part of the big retrofit of interior resin bits courtesy of a mislabeled box in my workshop.  The unfortunate bit is that I was also expecting to find led lights for the interiors of these and they were not in the box... the hunt is on!

The main Bar area got liquor shelves a cashier station, what looks like an off-track betting interface, 2 TV Screens, 3 interactive tables, and 6 seats.
 The resin is glued in place if attached to a wall (TV screens, cabinets, showers, etc) and attached with magnets for stuff that sticks into the room (beds, tables, chairs, coffee stations, etc...) or that might be good to remove for mini placement in some games.  There is also some kind of exterior machinery or power panel with a screen and number pad you can see in the picture below.
 The office space... which in retrospect should probably have been a kitchen... got a coffee station, cashier's interface, and a TV screen.

Being a sparsely furnished area I imagine it works more like a VIP room for dancers so it got some poster-style decorations from a Haganai cel phone deco set.  Featuring Sena and Kobato.  So I guess its now a cosplay Bar too!
 There is an apartment above the Bar that is smaller than a tenement room but furnished similarly to a flat with a shower, toilet, sink, TV, environment control, and a full size bed.  It might be an owner/operator living space, a VIP room, or just a room for rent.  Of course being situated directly above the Bar would make it a pretty loud place to sleep... even for the Undertown.
Next up are the interior resins for the Data Trust, which also includes a metal model drone to park on its roof, and a pair of SleepBox small format rentable rooms that can be deployed practically anywhere... like sidewalks or parking spaces... and are self serve.