Tamiya Tiger II +Warlord Miniatures

This model has been sitting half made in my garage for five years or so. Most of the pieces were still in the box so I put it together and dirtied it up on the grounds that a bit o'mud hides a lot of sins.

The figures are Warlord 28 mm which fit quite well with Tamiya 1/48 kits.

Krupp's Turret

This is an early version as shown by the shot trap under the turret front. Tamiya refer to this as the Henschel turret but, as all nerds kno, it is actually a Krupp's turret: Henschel designed the body.

I don't get out much - especially at the moment.

Engine Compartment

The round bulge on the turret left side was also eliminated in later models as it created a manufacturing issue.

Porsche also bid for this project with his 'revolutionary' diesel electric drive system but not even the Nazis were mad enough to go down that route - especially as they lacked copper wire, but hey, details.

The Tiger II was a ludicrous waste of resources. One source I have seen suggested it took as many man-hours to build as nine Shermans. It was clumsy, underpowered, unreliable and used petrol like Germany was awash with the stuff.