Here are several rules from last game.

JJ typing, Swooping 40k6 pg 49

It must move at least 12" and move up to 24".

Context: Shawn asked how far daemon prince can move when it swooping.  I thought it was same as a Flyer 18-36.  Nope.

Jetbike 40k6 pg  45

Turbo-boosting Jetbikes move up to 24".

Context: Shawn asked how far jetbikes can turbo-boost when considering moving Tzeentch Screamers.

Rending 40k6 pg 41

Similiary, if a model makes a shnooting attack with a weapont hat has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of 6 wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

Castellan Crowe; Master Swordsman Grey Knights Codex 5th ed pg 42

His close combat attacks have the Rending special rule, and will rend on a To Wound of 4 or more.

Context: This one made me feel very foolish.  It was time for Crowe roll to wound against a daemon prince.  I thought because of Crowe's S 4 he had to roll a 6 to wound daemon prince's T 6.  Shawn and his boy Aiden were practically beating this rule into my senseless head.  Wasn't til I read Rending and confirmed their information that I realized I've never used this rule.  This is the second rule Aiden has told me about Crowe. Thanks, Aiden.

slainte mhath