Hello All, thanks for dropping by, the latest addition to my Chaos Daemon incursion, I painted a named Character, Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance!
From GW "Ever watchful, ever hungry, Karanak is the physical manifestation of the Blood God’s wrathful vengeance. Once he has the scent of his quarry, this tireless predator will not cease in his hunt until he tastes their torn flesh between his fangs". So, I'm looking forward to launching across the battlefield to slake his thirst!
He is a quite quick and decent Melee choice alongside some Flesh Hounds of Khorne, he also has the ability with the Brass Collar of Khorne, to deny up to two Psychic Powers, as Khorne cannot abide witches!
This was my first time doing some flames, which I think turned out quite effective - many people forget that the brightest colours are within, not at the end. The main colour for the Hound is Contrast Flesh Tearers Red, over Wraithbone. The contrast line don't work well on Power Armour (imho) but excel on organics such as these skin textures. The teeth are Skeleton Horde, the spikes over the red base with some Syish Purple contrast.
The Brass Collar was finished off with some Fulgrite Copper and some Nihilakh Oxide. Quick and effective paint job, I can't wait to do the Flesh Hounds now. A fast choice and decent in Melee is what my daemons need more of, getting there is the hardest against the firepower of the 8th Edition armies.

Cheers, Siph (10pts Character)