Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've finally finished #paintingwarhammer Dark Angel Deathwing Knights. I originally got these in June 2015 at Blog Wars 9 and if you follow the link you'll find my gaming crew gave me the vouchers towards it for my 40th birthday!

I then discovered it had 2 sets of Deathwing Knights [oh joy, another 5 still to paint] but no Ravenwing.

Luckily the legendary Games Workshop customer service meant they sent me the Ravenwing Command Squad separately.

So, it's been a long time coming, but I could say that about a lot of my projects. 

But these have always been a challenge with loads of detail the required decisions, which always cause delay. 

Add in metallics and other projects they just got pushed back and pushed back.

Even when I committed all this time and effort to getting them done I feel I've had to make compromises.

I'm not happy I didn't paint the ropes and knife scabbards the same maroon red of my other Deathwing - always check your schemes first.

Red purity seals instead purple feels inconsistent too.

Skin-tones are also one dimensional, I only base-coated, shaded and highlighted once. I didn't even do any eyes - I tried but it went wrong so just gave up.

But the hoods make it difficult and they should be shadowed, I mean this guy doesn't even have any eyes!

I wanted to do orange glow effects on the censer holes in the maces too, but I chickened out, I thought it'd go horribly wrong and just wanted them done.

\But none of that matters because, as I look at these pics I realise they look bloomin' cool!

All of those issues don't detract from what I've achieved, no one else will know and should I ever be inclined I can always fix them by painting the elements I'm unhappy with.

When I ever get round to the next set of Knights I can make those calls, and either match these up or leave them subtly different so it's two identifiable squads - if that would be helpful - do people ever take two min squads over one max? 

Anyway, they look great, I've got some pics against a white background coming up next. hope you like what I did and enjoy some of the more PC desktop orientated shots above

Here's my Big Galactic Stamp of Approval for getting these done!