Hello Titanseers and Fabricators, I finally got some time to start proper the Reaver Titan build. As a change from normal proceedings, I thought I would start with some of the details and after a lengthy time away on operations for the NHS, I finally was able to pick up my brushes and do some painting (the posts you may have been reading over the last month have all been pre-scheduled).

Here is the Titan Enginseer or Techpriest, dressed (in traditional 'Bananaman' colours, thanks Lord Halfpenny!) or in the yellow and blue livery of the Legio Astorum. Whilst I was at it, I started on the internal Arm Servitor banks and the Techpriest's station. Plus a few external pieces like Reactor cooling vents and Void Shield Projectors.
I drilled and pinned through all three rear Torso pieces and glued and clamped in place on the main torso plate whilst the epoxy dried. I also sprayed and fitted the cooling fans assembly and vent plate, seen under the sticky tape above.
I masked off the internal section where joining pieces fitted and sprayed the deckplates. I used a dremel tool to roughen the surfaces that would be glued together to provide better surface area adhesion. I also glued on the shoulders and pinned through the bulkhead pieces for extra strength.
The internal doorway to the Command Deck in the Titan head, I painted up a few details that you can see when it's all put together.
The rear torso reactor section. Once constructed you can barely see with a torch - but for completeness, yes I did it...
And the other side screen.
Clamping the Servitor Banks in place after some careful sanding and aligning.
That's where I am up to, the main internal superstructure is now painted and complete. I just need to glue all these together now and then mask off the internal opening before the exterior gets a spray.

Feels good to be able to paint again and good to have made some progress with the Reaver. Next up the descision of a name? Siege of Vraks Titan Battlegroup was the inspiration for Honorum and Canis Praetor, or something else unique?
Used without permission. All rights reserved Games Workshop PLC.

I'm erring toward something unique but with the flame-craft designs of Invigila Alpha here and may have to reproduce some white stripes somewhere on the Titan, maybe rear half of carapace or rear of the shoulder guards, all my Maniple have white stripes.
As always, thank-you for dropping by, Cheers, Siph.