Hi All, thanks for dropping by. This week's WeeMen offering is more Chaos Daemons, this time Plaguebearers of Nurgle. I've kept these on 25mm bases, like the previous two squads for consistency.
I've chosen a Deathguard Green base for these ones, and some Eshin Grey and Nihilakh Oxide on the Plague Swords for a different look. The guts are picked out with Screamer Pink and liberal use of Blood for the Blood God.
The miniatures were matt spray varnished and then BFTBG and Nurgle's Rot added on completion to keep a gloss wet look. The bases were my usual recipe of Mournfang Brown, Karak Stone, Ushabti Bone and some Gamers Grass tufts.
And here is the comparison of the three squads together, a nice variation of Nurgle greens and hues, they look fine in a big squad together too.

Thanks for stopping by all. Cheers, Siph. (10 points)