From Mars' Project Blog
Last week was busy in my non-hobby world, meaning slow within my hobby world. Even still, I was able to make some progress on the small batch of boyz I have been working on. Painting seven models at a time is seeming rather daunting, which doesn't bode well for my intended push of 20 models at a time for the next mob. I will move up gradually one more time before taking the bull by the horns.

One nice thing about building models is that I can be far more mobile in doing it than when I paint. I was able to cobble together the Nob squad I wanted to run, largely in part to a generous donation of kombi-shootas from Brian Haler. They were assembled almost entirely during the viewing of Burn Notice with my wife, via Netlfix's streaming service.
From Mars' Project Blog

I liked the idea of my Nobs being shooty rather than chopp because there is a very heavy shooting element to my ork army. Furthermore it seems to fit in alright with the Bad Moons theme. I had a great deal of fun putting together my Pain Boy, Dr. J. G. Matthews, OMD. Although not a very orkish name, it?, he? does take his/its namesake from a very generous and incredibly inspiring person who has made this ork project possible. Dr. Matthews, so enamored of the way Space Marine apothecaries are able to heal the Angels of Death, he has decided to emulate them, in order to better patch up his boyz.
From Mars' Project Blog

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