Hello Titan fans and thanks for dropping by. I was lucky enough to be in the position to buy a Titan off of a fellow Titan Owners Club Member when the chance came along. A fellow Titan enthusiast Damien wanted to concentrate his Titan force using just Reaver Titans and was selling his Warhound to fund a second Reaver. His original scheme was as above, Legio Sargasso which was a lot like Legio Astorum with Kantor Blue and a gold trim. By purchasing this Engine it would also remain in the auspex scans of Titan Owners Club and indeed Damien would get to Walk alongside his original Titan at TOC Events! So win win!

Now, I thought, I could just repaint the head and I was 90% done. I am currently doing just that, and re-gilding the golden trim to match my Warlord Dominus Victoria. I will add a base like my other Warhounds, add a few details, finish off the crew and add spacers on top of the arms to finish off them. Add some Astorum Decals and remove the custom Sargasso markings to change it's allegiance.  So maybe a little less than 90% done but these changes will make the Engine my own. I love the pose Damien has achieved and the ruined track unit of a Spartan will remain, I might paint it as Iron Warriors by adding a chevron plate and some weathering on the tracks. But, as Titan's go, thanks to Damien I was 70-80% done on arrival!
Here is the current state of the Warhound, I've removed the separate bases and will add a joined base so the base forms a strong third spar of a triangle with the legs, this makes the build a lot stronger.
The crew will get a little detailing to finish them off. And I may repaint the head unit blue to match my other two Warhounds, but not decided yet. I have some Void Projectors coming too, to replace the missing ones.
Here is the head now in Legio Astorum livery, and the scrollwork has a new name emblazoned - the original name Damien gave this hound was "Spectral Reagent", I will honour it's Machine Spirit and rename him as "Lupus Regent", to Walk alongside his brother Engines "Canis Bellum" and "Canis Praetor". The Sargasso emblem was removed from the armour and the stripes remain, they will go nicely alongside my Maniple who all have white striped panels on a blue field.
I have removed the ankle Armour Plates as my hounds have the Imperial Aquila on the left leg, so a swap was needed.

An excellent addition to the Maniple. Thanks Damien, and cheers all, Siph.