Hello All, thanks for dropping by, a guest post today from my mate Dark Canon, yes he is a fluffy player and treadhead as well as a Dark Angels player, hence the natural name Dark Canon. He has a great Dark Angels Deathwing, Ravenwing and fledgling Greenwing army painted by Rob at the sadly now defunct 30kplus40k blog (at the time of writing - perhaps he will post again).

Anyway, these are Dark Canon's foray into the world of painting and a true Guard player he is, what is not pictured is a shed-tonne of Guard on foot and many Leman Russ' tanks. Being a fluff bunny and a fan of Dark Angels these are painted with that in mind and Caliban Green being in the uniform - I like to think these as the Caliban Jaegers, the Regiments raised from the populace of Caliban at the time of the Great Crusade and now recruiting from Imperial Worlds throughout the Sector.
For a mates meet up last year at Warhammer World we all had a superheavy, and this took a heavy toll on 6thDegree's Iron Warriors and Daemons force, a Hellhammer Superheavy.
The mighty Hellhound with lots of flamer goodness, a Fast Attack option and rightly feared by the enemies and friendly troops standing too near...
Backing up the Caliban Jaegers are a few Companies of Militarum Tempestus Scions, the Taurox Prime with Taurox Gatling Cannon's puts out a lot of shots coupled with fire ports and twin-linked Hotshot Lasguns or Autocannons.
The trusty Artillery Basilisk putting out a barrage at long range, i'm sure Dark Canon will have plans for more Basilisk's or Manticores.
And the latest addition, some DKoK Deathriders, which can be great stand-ins for Roughriders whichever the friendly game requires. Love these models, they have been painted in the same blue trenchcoats as the DKoK Ogryns converted from old metal Ogryns.
One thing the Imperial Guard excel at is the ability to lay down a lot of fire support and indirect fire support is invaluable, I will be getting a few of these too for the Brood Brothers for my Genestealer Cult.
The Bullgryns are a decent choice, Slab Shields or the Supression Shield have frustrated my Relictors firepower and by Veterans died under the Battle Mauls relentless attacks.
Backing up the Astra Militarum, (Imperial Guard) is an operative of the Officio Assassinorium, a Eversor Assassin - in a permanent state of searing rage, kept in check by massive doses of sedatives; when the time comes for him to act, he’s roused from his coma and unleashed. Only his death will stop his berserk mission - he can tear through Power Armour and even take out Dreadnoughts with his Melta-Bombs!
More Fire Support with Missile Launchers and a Lascannon in the background, more of these will be on the way.
Finally, the Deathriders, the latest addition - here just before the bases were finished off. Superb sculpts, if I had the time and inclination and not six armies on the go, I'd get loads of these.

Thank-you to Dark Canon for letting me share his Guard, great speed so far and I look forward to seeing the latest additions before I have to face them on the battlefield!

Cheers, Siph.