Hello Titanseers and other readers, thanks for dropping by again. The transformation progress of Lupus Regent continues, her main Carapace and Body is now complete, trim re-done, FW Legio Astorum decals applied and just awaiting some Void Shield Projectors.
I like to base my Titans for stability and the base provides a third arm of a triangle making the Titan strong and stable and less prone to splayed legs over time. The base is made from MDF, sand is glued using PVA and sealed with watered down PVA, I've scored and masked off where the titan is glued to the base.
The underside of the base was hollowed out using a Forstner Bit and screws and a washer applied to 'pin' the Titan to the base to make extra sure the 2-part Epoxy Resin never fails! It's awesome stuff but designed for plastic to plastic but works equally well on MDF.
The solution to the arms so I can remove and swap weapons is using screwthread nut/bolt hidden by the top caps, however room for a washer prevents the resin splitting and provides a surface the top plates can be magnetised too, just needs a spacer for the nut thickness - easily achieved using the spacers given when I purchased some magnets for the Reaver.
These appear as part of the Titan when put in place and painted so I am very happy with that!
I also painted the Plasma Coils to match the first Warhound "Canis Bellum" painted by Richard Gray. I have subsequently repainted the trim to a brighter gold, as see above. It is also mounted on the left arm rather than Canis Bellum's right, just to add variety.

Next week I should have her completed and ready for showcase and re-registration at Titan Owners Club as a proud Titan of Legio Astorum! Again, thanks to Damien for the canvas to work from and make it my own.

Cheers all, Siph.