Afternoon #warmongers and I am #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanicus. The advantage of having numerous projects on the go is you can always jump onto something else when your motivation wanes. So as I avoid the Land Raider Redeemer I tried adding some of the Legio Gryphonicus spot pattern on my titan carapaces and although the Warhound came out really well the Reaver is much darker and less convincing.
I was really quite pleased with the result, I don;t know how much of the zenithal priming is still apparent on it now but the patterns on both the grey and yellow seem consistent, the scrollwork also looks cool.
I even managed to keep both sides patterning consistent.
But then the Reaver somehow is just too dark. Part of me is trying to convince myself that that's acceptable and that all my Titans can have different greys and yellows. But another part of me is not having it. The blue shield came out OK though. Hopefully I'll one day get the decals to put on them.
The spots are much more defined, showing the priming more. The problem is I can't quite recall what I did on the Warhound to achieve it's effect, there was a good few days between painting them and my lack of hobby just meant I forgot the process.
I did however put some effort into the weapons. They have their yellow done and all the bronze panel edges have been shaded and highlighted. I've more highlights to go but these are super tedious.
The net result - having lost motivation on the Land Raider and jumped to these I've not stalled ont he Titans and gone back to the Nurgle Blood Bowl team.