Takhisis, Queen of Darkness.

We've been preparing for the next leg of our tour of the Crystal Spheres with a definite classic:  Dragonlance Adventures!  Say what you like about the saga, about the quality of it's adventures or the mary-sue connotations of the novels - but I'll say this for certain:  Dragonlance definitely has it's own feel when put beside the other AD&D 1e settings.  Most of my players have never read a Dragonlance novel, and after putting a session together I realize that those that have won't have any special advantage over those that haven't other than knowing a little more of the background.

We put it on the table which game would be run after our Greyhawk debacle, and it was decided we would stick with AD&D 1e, true to form, and go on to Krynn.  Like the other 1e campaign, this is all designed to bring us up to date in the world with regards to how systems and modules have evolved.  However, Dragonlance differs from Greyhawk greatly not only in terms of setting, but atmosphere and style as well.

For the next several weeks we'll be playing the original modules with the original ruleset.  Next Sunday will be our second session, and I'm looking forward to it greatly.  Of course, I've collected and read many Dragonlance novels over the years, but last year I passed them on to a friend so he could experience the saga as well.  Yet, I never actually had a chance to play the original modules.  All that shall be rectified this year!

Good luck to our adventurers...there won't be as many "respawn" options in this campaign.  The saga deserves more than that, so there's a healthy metagame aspect to this series as well.  If too many important player characters get killed off - well there's not really anything to be done about it.  Consider this hardcore mode.  Meanwhile, you can check out the new adventure log in the Dragonlance State of Play!

See you on Game Day!