Just a couple weeks ago I played my first game of Marvel Crisis Protocol. And it was great. But I didn’t play the game just to play the game. I actually played to prepare for a league – yes I joined an online league to play a game with strangers online.

So what do we call this? I’m thinking Marvel Crisis Protocol Tabletop Simulator League Season 3 – or MCPTSLS3 – that’s pronounceable right? 🙃

League Rules

Before I get into my first league game it’s important to talk about roster construction. The league is just 6 games long. One every week. You have to submit your roster a week early and you have to stick with it for the entire league.

This means that a good chunk of this league will actually take place before the first game. You have to build a roster that can take on absolutely anyone. I spent a few weeks and after two games came up with this roster

My Roster

  1. Thor (5)
  2. Loki (4)
  3. Hela (4)
  4. Valkyrie (3)
  5. Infinity Gem: Mind (1)
  6. MODOK (5)
  7. Shuri (3)
  8. Nebula (2)
  9. Black Widow (2)
  10. Hawkeye (3)

I decided to go Asguardians since I have a bunch of those models painted (Thor, Loki, & Hela) and because Thor is great in this game. I debating going dual affiliation with Asguardians & Wakandans but decided I really wanted to use Asguardians and get really good with them.

Tactics Cards

  • Odin’s Blessings
  • Sibling Rivalry
  • All You’ve Got
  • Advanced R&R
  • Medpack
  • Brace for Impact
  • Field Dressing
  • Drop Off

Odin’s Blessing is a fantastic card for the Asguardians which lets you reduce the damage from 1 attack to 1. It’s fantastic at saving lives. Sibling Rivalry also seems great as a Tactic card for Loki & Thor.

Crisis Cards

Secure Crises:

  • Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians (17)
  • Infinity Formula Goes Missing (17)
  • Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest (15)

Extract Crises:

  • Alien Ship Crashes in Downtown! (20)
  • Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership (17)
  • Fear Grips World as “Worthy” Terrorize Cities (18)

I really like Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians (17) for Asguardians with our high energy defense. And Fear Grips World as Worthy Terrorize Cities since my bruiser team becomes even stronger.

MCPTSLS3 – Game 1

Alright – so I have my roster, my strategy, and I’m ready for Game 1 and I get paired with HPP_Will who runs the House Party Protocol podcast. I was super excited and since all rosters are public information I looked at his roster & prepared my strategy.

Since I love the numbers I actually took the time to create a Google sheet with all of his info & write up my strategy.

I won priority and we played:

  • 🟦 Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians (my choice)
  • 🟥 Fear Grips World as “Worthy” Terrorize Cities

My Team

My Team List For HPP Will

His Team

  • Dr. Strange
  • Thor
  • Hawkeye
  • Valkyrie
  • Wong

The Game

Once we had everything setup it was time to play. The map has a giant firetruck in the center which is size 4. This gave both team perfect cover for both teams to move up to the firetruck and move out on turn 2.

Score: 5 (me) to 3 (Will)

Turn 2

I wanted to start turn 2 by throwing that firetruck to do damage and also to clear out the board to make the rest of my team’s movement earlier. Will played Brace for Impact which is the obvious move and for the rest of the game he doesn’t have any protection from collision damage.

Thor attacked Miles Moralis, Venom played Lethal Protector, and with a good amount of luck on my side I dazed Venom!

No more truck

The downside of being all clumped up behind the fire truck is that I was a perfect target for All Webbed Up. Will moved Miles to play that card and it affected my entire team. That means all of my team was slowed & will take extra damage this turn as long as they’re slowed.

While Miles pulled off an amazing All Webbed Up move I retaliated with Valkyrie who removed the Slow condition from herself, moved, struck Miles, threw him, and finally dazed him.

Ghost Spider used her amazing movement to contest my Gamma Shelter. I moved Nebula up and with a Shock Sword Assault & a Strike she dazed her which also dropped a Spider-Infected objective.

Score: 11 (me) to 4 (Will)

Turn 3

Ghost Spider uses all of the power to take down Thor. She ends up doing 5 damage to him just shy of dazing him.

Thor heals and picks up a Spider-Infected. He attacks Venom hoping for more luck and I completely whiff! I play Sibling Rivalry which thankfully staggers him.

Miles attacks Valkyrie and would have dazed her but I play Odin’s Blessing.

Loki tries to finish off Loki but he survives with Shuri rerolls.

Ending the Game

Shuri makes a risky play and Sonic Crushes Venom and we call the game.

I win 16 to 7.

What I Learned

  1. Thor can do a ton of damage but he can also entirely miss. And that’s a fun element in your main character. You have to hope he does a good job but can’t rely on him to do it.
  2. Odin’s Blessing can prevent an opponent’s strategy from working. Either by denying them power on a strike or by keeping a character alive they thought would go down.
  3. Size 4 terrain is deadly in Thor’s hands
  4. Shuri’s can push each other and not do much all game. Then again she also has Sonic Crush which is risky but can do a ton of energy damage.
  5. Will is a good sport! The dice were against him all game but he finished the game with style.

This was my third game of all time and I had a blast. Obviously the luck went heavily my way but the game went according to play. I had a good idea of what my opponent would take and I built a list that would defeat it.

This is my first league game ever and I won. Even if I don’t win another game I consider this a success as a new player.

The post Marvel Crisis Protocol League appeared first on Patricks 40k Hobby.