Welcome back as we continue to cover things that happened at Adepticon. Last time I realized that we had just too many pictures for one post so I split the team event into two posts. Let's kick it off with a look at the rest of the Team armies on display.
I want to start off this time with what IMO was the best army at the event. It was amazing to see in person. It was a Tau CRon team, that merged the two forces with conversions and a fantastic pain scheme plus background!!!They gave every other team in the event a Comic book about the back story of the army. It was very classy and cool. I don't have one to show you guys because my buddy Ed was drooling to get the thing and thus I don't have our copy he does. =P
This portal showed the over seeing of the conversion of the normal Crons to the Crazy Tau Crons, which I assume the comic explains better some how? The army had amazing conversions and a great display board my hat goes off to these guys for Great work!
This team had each board be a separate planet style world with name and back ground facts. They had little labels and info in the background, while a cool concept in person it honestly looked like a science fair project.
This was our armies this year! Those are my demons that I will be updating shortly. We didn't get fancy at all just wanted to play.. More info in a future post when I talk about our team, lists, and day of gaming!
Note that as his force moves up the Grass is dying lol.
Steam punk Squat army, by local friends! Shout out to Kirby and Toby if your reading this.