Photos courtesy of /tg/'s "Not Cypher"
This is definitely not a Ward-dex. A lot of interesting options and changes. Here are a few selections:
Auspex: forgo shooting with model to reduce cover of unit with 12 by 1. 

Porta-rack: beat an enemy character, gain fear and preferred enemy. Use enemy teleport homers and locators as your own. 

Conversion Field: 4+ invuln. If you pass it, all units within d6" must test for blind. Friendlies can re-roll. 

Power Field: 3+ invuln, all models with 3 inches have 4+ invuln. 

Displacer: 3+ invuln and when you pass it, you teleport d6 inches random scatter. Hit an enemy and react like a drop pod and stop.

For grenade launchers:

-Rad shell range 12, S3, AP -, assault 1, blast, rad charge.
Rad Charge causes an entire unit hit by a rad charge to lower by 1 for toughness, can effect instant death thresh. Lasts until end of turn.

-Stasis shell range 12 S-, AP-, assault 1, blast, stasis anomaly
Stasis Anomaly every model suffers -1 penalty to WS and Init until end of turn. 

Lion's roar: 20 points, range 24, S7 AP2, type, assault 1, blast, gets-hot!, master crafted combi-bolter.

Son of Dorn