
 That's right, March. April was so Tau-focused that I completely forgot to post what I'd painted in March on my Black Templars army. First, a group of Sword Brethren Assault Terminators.


 I did note that the Terminator in the middle didn't get his tilt shield finished, and I didn't paint the service stud on the bareheaded fellow in front (not a Sergeant, since Black Templar Terminator squads don't have those). Nothing I can't touch up later. Next up, the Emperor's Champion:


 I went ahead and used a decal on his shoulder pad, since I didn't think my freehanding skills were sharp enough to make a really crisp templar cross. On the other hand, I did brave putting some extra detail on his tabard, so maybe I shouldn't feel so sheepish.


 Finally, a Razorback for the Las/Plas Crusader squad from February:


 I don't know if I'd do the black/white color so strongly for future Rhino chassis; it looks a bit more like a police car than a battle tank. Still, this one was fun to weather by liberally applying some Mourn Mountain Snow to the treads. Not a bad look overall, but I do think I'm going to go with solid black next time, or at least less white.

As far as April, well, between the new Tau codex and a lot of life happening, I didn't finish that month's goal of painting up a Venerable Dreadnought. I did make progress, but not nearly enough to finish it.


 It's coming along, and I've made progress since taking this picture. I think I can finish it up in May, along with getting a start on some new Tau minis. More about that another time...