Our current set up is (our summoner names in brackets)
- Top lane (Salcomine) - Galactic Renekton
- Jungle (Deathwing40k) - Galactic Nasus
- Midlane (ManEatingDuck)- Cryocore Brand
- ADC (Eloesha) - Pulsefire Ezrael
- Support (alexwarrior) - iBlitzcrank
Did I stop my attempt to get to Gold division? Hardly, I just don't grind ranked games anymore. I've taken to playing one ranked game every day or every other day. So far it's been working great and I'm on a win streak (finally!). Still in Silver V but slowly earning league points and about half way to the promotion series. In the meanwhile I've taken to playing ARAM games.
I'm very glad that ARAM queues got implemented too as it gives me something to do in between ranked games that's kind of relaxing. It's strangely satisfying to roll a totally random champion and then just fight the other team. No jungle to worry about, no ganks to worry about, just fighting.