This is the dumbest graphic I've ever created.
So in "honor" of Games Workshop discontinuing all of their Specialist Games, I've decided to pack it in and give away my small collection of Epic-scale Space Marines. [READ ON]

One of the Land Raiders is upside down. Sue me (no wait, don't sue me, especially if you own a case company or a popular strategy blog. jk.).
There are ten Land Raiders, one Rhino, and a lot of Marines.

Click the image to look closer.

There's close to 250 dudes, and about half of them are not glued to the older style bases. They are paint free.

I have had horrible luck in the past with giving something away. The first time, I asked for the best Blood Angel picture, and I got exactly one entrant. The second time, I asked for kickass terrain and table pics, and I got no entries before the deadline.

So this is the last time I do this if it doesn't work...maybe this community doesn't like free stuff for a tiny bit of work.

I WANT TO GIVE THESE PIECES TO SOMEONE WHO WILL USE THEM. So I want a picture of your painted Epic army. It doesn't have to be MEQ. I just want to see that you care enough to paint them and use them. I will ship for free within the 50 United States, and I will cover the first $20.00 of shipping internationally.

If I get more than one entry, I will choose the winner based on execution and creativity.

Send as many pictures as you like to: Providing contact info might help as well.

Seriously, don't people want free stuff anymore?

UPDATE: Here is a great, well-thought out take on the end of Specialist Games.