I'm starting to enjoy this "don't just review GW" plan. Having looked at Mantic and Kromlech in the recent past, I'll be looking at Scibor today.

I will admit, up until recently I haven't been a big fan. I thought the models looks too chunky, and the details were a bit off. But that perception has changed now I have a model in my hands. The internet can be a misleading mistress.

What I have here is a SF 'Angel Knight', in 28-30mm scale. It retails for around 20 euros (I say around, because for whatever reason, I cannot find the variety I have here on sale on their web-page). The model comes in several pieces, namely: main body, left shoulder pad, shield, sword, and a scenic base. A very nice scenic base, very nice. Very tall too, so if you're one for gaming, the added inch might hinder your cover save efforts.

The sculpting which I was oh-so critical of is actually in person very crisp, very neat, and quite something to behold. Very different to the style I'm used to, and not in-keeping with any of my forces. With the templars/knight styling, and the death-motifs, this guy will probably be painted up as a Deathwing Captain of some description.

Quality wise, around 90-95% of the model was in a good condition. However, there were a few air bubbles, one in the hood, another in the robes, and a huge one in the sword hand, which had utterly destroyed three fingers. fortunately it is an easy fix, and at a normal viewing angle, you wouldn't notice. Still, for an inexperienced modeller it is a big fault.

Also, the resin on the shield is very thin and brittle, it actually shattered in a few places near the top. It also didn't quite fit, but pinning and green-stuff filler solved most problems.

All-in-all, this is a very lovely collectors piece. A solid 9.5/10 for those who like numbers. It has many fantastic details and one of the best designed bases I've seen, even if it does put you at a gaming disadvantage.  It is let down a tiny bit by quality issues, but when compared to other, more well-known company's quality troubles, these issues are rather light. As normal, here is a summary of the good and bad points:

-Very detailed
-Amazing scenic base
-Dramatic style

-Minor quality issues
-Brittle resin (especially on thin sections)
-Base might be unsuitable for gaming