Mrs. Blackheart and I had a nice little Combat Patrol battle, Space Wolves versus Genestealer Cult.

I took just infantry, led by my Wolf Lord for their combat debut. The Cult had a Broodlord, some 'Stealers, a Sentinel, and a whole bunch of Cultists.

As usual, I didn't take enough pics during the game, which is a good indicator I'm having fun. The Wolves had a couple turns of impressive shooting, then we got into close combat on the bottom of Turn Two.
"We can just pick them off from here!"

"By Russ's empty stein! Nobody should move that fast!"

The poor Helblasters got shredded. A 5-man Intercessor squad was also mauled by Neophytes armed with power tools. The next turn saw payback aplenty for the Wolves. All the Genestealers were felled by shooting, then the Wolf Lord made an Impressive charge roll and hacked up the Broodlord (top of page picture). The remaining Intercessor Squads cleaned up the streets. A hard fought victory for the Wolves.
We are going to do a three-mission mini campaign with using Combat Patrol. Should be able to play though in one evening. That's the plan at least...

For Russ and the Allfather!
Our Cult is Better Than Yours.