So, 2020 is almost over and I do hope that 2021 will be better in so many ways. Over all it has been a productive year with a lot of posts. I have however not been able to finish any of my large longtime projects that has been sitting on the desk for eons. The problem is that I can't find the focus to have a long time commitment to one projects so I move a around working a little here and a little there, and in between I paint single miniatures that I can finish in a a few sittings. I had some sort of belief that I would find more piece of mind during the Christmas holidays but so has not been the case. Instead I have been once again jumping between projects.

Well, I do hope 2021 will offer me a better focus so that I can get Fenrir finished and start the construction of Surtr. I would also like to get the base construction of Opus Magna done so that I can start with detailing etc, and eventually get the airwing sorted. At some point I need to take a photo with Opus and the titans/knights.

These last few days I have been working on the out raider sergeant for the Ultra Marines as well as two more rank and file. From the beginning I did not like the look of this new bike, but it has grown on me and now I actually think it is one of the better New Marine vehicles. I might actually by me the chaplain for these guys. The easy to build construction once again make it hard to get it painted properly. For the remaining two models I will do some cutting to get the raider separated from the bike in a better way. Paint vice I went for solid blue with some free hand motifs (not the best but I need to practice). Over all I thin k it turned out ok considering the construction of the model.

Apart from painting the Ultra Marines I have been working on the base for Fenrir. I have gotten so far that I can start painting the feet as the attachment to the base has been sorted. I have also be working on some details for the base. In this case I went for a Ridge Raider that has hit a mine and gotten its rear axle blown of. I have always wanted to paint one of these because they look absolutely bad as. And I must say that the model is bad as as well. There are tones of details, from the under carriage to the add on's like fuel cans, hammers and power shovels. I might actually get me another one just to paint because the model is so good. It was also great fun building it and I which that GW would make more vehicle kits like this.

And when I have not been working on Fenrir I have been trying to finish the Armor plates for my Knight Lord. I think it is mostly done now, at least the parts I got stuck on, so I can hope fully wrap it up soon. And talking about knight I have also been adding the finishing touches to the internals of my Dominus knight, adding the pilots (there are two), cogitator screens etc. Soon this will be ready for paint. There are still some details left to do on the main guns but once that is done I will just do some quick chaosifications to the armor plates and I can finish of this project.

I really need to close some of these long time projects so that I can start new ones.