Continuing on from Part 3 I added the old Citadel Color called Sunburst Yellow (my favorite yellow paint) to the yellow areas on these models. I then painted the noses, and a few knuckles, "red" using the method that Warhammer TV presented in a video called Tip of the day: Goblin Noses. The results were pretty satisfying. I next painted the guns and metal things using an old craft painted called Metallic Pewter by Delta Ceramcoat for their Gleams line. It's a bit thick but is easily thinned but I prefer it over Citadel's Leadbelcher, although it's an OK analog. 

Metallics on the guns.

Next, I used Bloodletter to darken the recesses on the yellow areas but I found that this was a bit overwhelming so I added another layer of Bad Moon Yellow and I then highlighted it with Folk Art Lemmonade. 

After the Lemmonade highlight.

When I first applied it I thought that the Lemmonade might be too intense, but when it dried I decided I liked it. I dunno, going to think about it a bit more, and if I ultimately decided it's washed out then I will kick it back with a yellow ink. I decided not to add any black patterns on them mainly because of their size. The simple solid yellow does the trick well enough I think, and with their stature in the ork organization (as it is) I doubt they'd get anything more ornate anyway. 

Close up on the Lemmonade highlights.

And after a few touch-ups these guys are done! Time for their glamor shots. And with the snow and mud that I have outside currently we are going to stick with the red top of my toolbox. 

And there they are! I do think I will do one more pass of the Terracotta Brown that I use on the rims of their bases, as they currently look rough. But other than that, once the weather gets a bit warmer I will spray a protective coat on them to help reduce chips.