The 3rd in the row vow for the bolter and chainsword com is finished. I had a lot of fun painting those guys as the detail work is top notch. It took me some more time than usual ofcourse but I can't complain, the results are to my liking.
One of the things I changed painting, was the use of the codex grey-Astronomican grey-skull white pattern of my purity seals istead of the usual Denev Stone - Skull White I use to any other marine army I own. Certainly I'm going to keep the new recipe for all the Deathwing Terminators from now on.
Also, on the paintstation the Imperial Guard recieves the last 5 members for the 5 squads Infantry Platoon and some Angels Sanguine Assault Marines to finish the 3rd Assault Squad. Please await more action soon. Take care!