The tabletop gaming and miniatures world seems to be coming around to the most awesome of ideas recently. Badgers!

 Ocelot Games has launched a new range of Grandville Miniatures based on the great Grandville graphic novels by Bryan Talbot. The first 2 releases are DI Lebrock and his assistant Ratzi (above).
These are available now via the Crooked Dice Store

More minis are being worked on by Ocelot games. The first of these will be the 'lady-badger of the night' Billie. Can't wait to see what else they do. I'm sure I will pick them all up at some point.

Mantic Games  are also going down the badger route with the Dwarf Brock Riders they have previewed in the last few days for Kings of Wars.
I don't play KoW (yet) but I WILL find somewhere to fit the badger cavalry into my collection!

On the topic of Mantic I have been building my Season 1 Dreadball teams. I didn't want the Veer-Myn to look the same as everybody else's so decided to convert them into Space Badgers!!!!
The noses have been shortened and the tails have been cut down and rounded off.
I know they don't look like much at the moment but the paint job should help with the badger look.
Even have an entire back story for the race! More on that soon.

To finish off the badger minis, ToaTS 'may' be able to get a few more Ltd Ed Hendybadger minis in the near future! Will update once we know a little more.

Do you know of any other good badger minis out there?

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!