Well, I've finally done the first official power armored model for my Avenging Sons project, Sergeant Castines of 1st Tactical Squad. Big thanks to 'Dynath' for the design of custom Avenging Sons shoulder pads, which you can see in these pics. I love the tiny detail of the roman numerals on the bottom left and bottom right of the right shoulder pads especially. He did this work a long time ago (over a year!), and I'm only just getting around to using them... Thanks dude!

I'm using some Black Templar bits to help evoke the 'medieval knight' vibe I'm trying to channel for this army. I'm keeping the color palette very tight with most things blue, silver, or black. I'm pleased with this model and plan to go full speed ahead. Better pics and a play by play paint scheme are both forthcoming- this is just a few quick shots to show him off :)

Comments and criticisms most welcome- thanks for taking the time to pop by and check it out!